HTML Quotation

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What is an HTML Quotation?

HTML Quotation is an element used to indicate quoted text within a document.

Different types of HTML Quotation tags :

  • <blockquote> : Use to define quote from outside source
  • <q> : Use for Short Quotation
  • <abbr> : Abbreviations - Use to define full forms of short words
  • <address> : Use to show contact information such as address, emails, phone number, etc.
  • <cite> : Use to define project or story titles
  • <bdo> : Bi-Directional Text (Reverse Text) - By using this element, text will be view in reverse way.

Example for <blockquote>


<p>Here is a quote from Lorem Ipsum</p>
<blockquote cite ="">Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</blockquote>
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Example for <q>

The text will be show between quotation mark. e.g"Quote Text"


<p> The basic goal of the Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) language is to <q>allow a browser engine to paint elements of the page with specific features, like colors, positioning, or decorations.</q></p> Try It »

Example for <abbr>


<p> <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> is an easy language.</p> Try It »

Example for <address>

The text under address quote will be in italic font.


Charle Babage<br>
HTML World,<br>
Newyork, USA,<br><br>
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Example for <cite>


<p> <cite>Bossypants</cite> by Tina Fey, 2011.</p> Try It »

Example for <bdo>


<bdo dir="rtl">This text will be written from right to left. </bdo> Try It »